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UP Game's Over - Boycott the 2008 Olympics!

--- UPDATE: the server where we get the images from for this article is currently not available. Maybe chinese hacking skills at work? ---

Game's over! Free Tibet! Like a junkie hooked to the needle, western economy is hooked to the new economical superpower China. While "communist" (what a fucking joke in itself) China is killing unarmed people western politicians are afraid to call for a boycott of the 2008 olympic games. It might ruin the busines...
Well if the don't call for a boycott and the Olympics take part while Tibte's people are maimed and slaughtered it is up to us to BOYCOTT the games. Turn off the TV (well you should anyway) - ignore the games!. An while we are at it: toss the cheap chinese goods where they belong to - in the trashbin for hazardous products.

Game's over! Free Tibet! Tibet is an occupied country.
This is the most important fact to remember when working for Tibetan freedom. At the time when Chinese troops invaded Tibet in 1949, Tibet was an independent nation.
Tibet had its own government, its own language, its own currency, its own postal system and its own legal system.
China's People's Liberation Army took Tibet by force.
When Chairman Mao came to power in 1949, one of the first things he did was send his troops to annex Tibet. Tibet did not have a large or well-equipped army. While there was a determined armed resistance to the Chinese invasion, the relatively small Tibetan army was eventually crushed by the Chinese army.
An agreement was imposed on the Tibetan government in May of 1951, acknowledging sovereignty over Tibet but recognizing the Tibetan government's autonomy with respect to Tibet's internal affairs. As the Chinese consolidated their control, they repeatedly violated the treaty and open resistance to their rule grew. By 1959, the situation had become dire in Tibet. Thousands of Tibetan refugees poured into western Tibet from the east, where Tibetan resistance fighters were engaged in open battle with the Chinese army.
Massive demonstrations broke out in Lhasa, Tibet's capital, when rumors that the Dalai Lama's life was in danger began to circulate. Tenzin Gyatso, Tibet's 14th Dalai Lama, is the spiritual and political leader of Tibet. In 1959, he was only 24 years old. On March 10th 1959, hundreds of thousands of Tibetans massed around the Norbulingka Palace, the Dalai Lama's summer residence, to prevent him from attending an event to which the Chinese authorities had invited him.
They feared he might be killed secretively.
The demonstrators called for Tibetan independence and for Chinese forces to leave Tibet. When the situation became tense, the Dalai Lama fled under cover of darkness on March 17, 1959 to India, where he has lived since.
Tens of thousands of Tibetans were killed by Chinese forces who broke up the mass protests.
Since 1959, Tibet has been solely under Chinese rule.
Learn more here Students for a free Tibet external Link

posted 25.03.08 12:48:15 by: Ralf MDX last update: 22.07.08 14:27:19

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